Coconut Oil to Whiten Your Teeth? Really?

Coconut oil

The new craze for the natural teeth whitening solution, known as ‘oil pulling’ has recently been promoted by celebs like Gwyneth Paltrow and Shailene Woodley…

shutterstock_136960139Oil pulling is not a new concept; in fact it’s an ancient Ayurvedic (Indian) remedy that was used to pull out harmful bacteria from the teeth, throat, mouth and gums. Oil pulling involves swishing coconut oil (or sesame oil) in your mouth for 20 minutes each morning before eating or drinking. While you swish, the oil is meant to gather the toxins in your mouth and when you spit, these toxins should be removed leaving your mouth clean and free of harmful bacteria. But the question remains, does oil pulling actually work?

Does oil pulling work?

The idea is the lipids (or fat) in the oil will both pull out bacteria, as well as stop bacteria from sticking to the walls of your mouth. Research shows that the effects of oil pulling can reduce gingivitis and bacteria. The studies surrounding oil pulling showed those participants who were oil pulling were found to show, on average 20%, reduction in oral bacteria. Half of all participants in this case study also showed a reduction in susceptibility to dental caries. It would appear that oil pulling is a successful teeth whitening solution however if you’re looking for a quick fix a teeth whitening treatment may be more ideal.

The downside to oil pulling

Oil pulling can take a week or even longer to see the difference in your teeth and can prove difficult to do. Swishing oil in your mouth for 10-20 minutes isn’t easy; the texture can be nauseating and is often a difficult task to preform daily. With a professional teeth whitening treatment you can have your teeth whitened in just a few hours without having to spend every morning swishing oil round your mouth.

Teeth whitening at South Burnett Dental Group

At South Burnett Dental Group in Kingaroy we use the Opalescence teeth whitening treatment to professionally whiten our patient’s teeth. Home remedies and over the counter products are becoming increasingly popular today. The problem with ‘do it yourself’ products is that they are not monitored by professionals and can potentially harm your teeth. Teeth whitening treatments are designed to bleach your teeth, if the chemicals used are too harsh they may eat away at the enamel on your tooth leaving it exposed to bacteria and infection.

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What do I do? Oil pull or teeth whiten?

Last month Gwyneth Paltrow’s revealed her oil pulling secret to a whiter smile. This has brought oil pulling to the forefront of home beauty remedies. The truth is, oil pulling isn’t going to cause harm to your teeth, but is it the easiest and most successful way to whiten your teeth? Probably not: swishing oil around your mouth every morning isn’t easy. The texture is difficult to hold in your mouth for a solid 20 minutes and it takes commitment. With our Opalescence teeth whitening solution at South Burnett Dental Group you can have your teeth whitened in just one afternoon and the results will last! For those busy morning parents and business workers, you may not have 20 minutes to spend swishing oil around your mouth, which is why a professional treatment may be a better solution.

For more information about our teeth whitening treatment please feel free to call (07) 4162 1008 or contact us online.