Recent statistics released for Dental Health Week by the Australian Dental Association exposes sugary goods as the number one cause of tooth decay.
Focusing on promoting education for parents of babies and toddlers, Dental Health Week from August 4th until the 10th kicks off with a handful of statistics revealing the depth to which proper guidance is consequently lacking for our freshly teething babes and kids.
The following article discusses some of these statistics, addressing a few of the major concerns you may be experiencing and hopefully helping your family to source solutions with South Burnett Dental Group.
Cavities do not have to be a reality for your child
· Nearly 50% of Australian parents believe getting cavities ‘just happen to all children’
You are probably well aware by now that a dental cavity is a hole in a tooth that is generally a result of decay eating away at the tooth over time. Did you know though, that you can disrupt the process and even possibly reverse the effects before the cavity occurs?
Whenever we eat or drink something that contains sugar it bonds with bacteria present in the mouth to create acids. These acids begin to eat away at the tooth’s enamel and left on the surface of the teeth, it can lead to decay and cavities.
Here at South Burnett Dental Group we provide a comprehensive approach to your child’s dental needs by primarily ensuring you and your little one have all the guidance we can offer for teaching your child healthy oral hygiene habits.
It isn’t only about how and when they brush their teeth
· 33% of Australian parents admitted to allowing their children to have soft drinks/fruit juice and energy drinks 4 or more times a week.
Your child’s saliva and other naturally occurring substances in the mouth can help to rebuild the enamel but if the teeth are consistently coming into contact with sugary substances like snacks and treats throughout the day, the rebuilding minerals in the mouth can become outweighed by the harmful decaying substances.
To counter these effects, it’s important to ensure as a parent you are providing a healthy diet for your family. If you have found you have been rewarding your children with sugary sweets and snacks, rewarding them with achievements or stickers and positive affirmations could work as a great alternative and won’t negatively affect your child’s oral health.
It starts with leading by example
· Australians consume more than double the world’s average of 17 teaspoons of sugar intake (per person, per day).
Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease for children. If you are finding it difficult to not give your children sugary substances, it may be time to take a look at your shopping list. Keep an eye on your food labels and it could be worth gradually cutting back on sweet treats in the house – after all, if they are not physically around the house you’ll likely find that the cravings for sweets are minimised!
Tooth decay at a young age can contribute to a handful of major health risks for your child’s future
The development and health of your child’s baby teeth can have a dramatic impact on their oral and physical health down the track.
Baby teeth:
- Hold space in the jaws for permanent teeth
- Assist in your child’s chewing and swallowing functions
- Aid your child as they learn to speak clearly and quickly
- Provide the fundamentals for healthy jaw and bite alignment
Often times, decay can cause premature tooth loss and lead to your child requiring costly orthodontic services and other dental treatments in future. Here at South Burnett Dental Group, we value your child’s oral health and are happy to provide you with all the help you need to ensure your little one is on the right track to healthy teeth development and gums.
To find out more about how sugar could be seriously affecting your family and how we can provide you with the fundamental dental education to point you in the right direction, book a consultation with us today.